Oakley Men's Shed
The Oakley Men’s Shed meets every Monday and Thursday 10.00am - 1.00pm in the Oakley Scout and Guide Centre, St John’s Piece, Oakley.
Sheds are not just about woodwork though we do have an interesting selection of tools. We are also exploring model railways, iPads, wood turning, cycle maintenance and to develop the interests of our 'Shedders'.
We have nearly thirty members, a web site, a logoed tee-shirt and chocolate digestives.
Sheds are all about social connections and friendship building, sharing skills and knowledge, and, of course, a lot of laughter.
Maybe you know someone who would benefit from what a shed can offer or maybe that’s you.
We’d be delighted to see you. Just come along - you will be made most welcome
For more information check out our website www.oakleymensshed.com or email [email protected]