Clubs, Groups, Societies
Oakley has a huge variety of clubs, groups and societies meeting in the village. These are listed below with their contact details. Some of the clubs and groups (shown with ** after their name) have also provided more details which can be found under their name in the drop down.
- ADHOC: Ian Warner : (01256) 782395
- Badminton Club: Jean Elkin: (01256) 781236
- Basingstoke Astronomy Society: John Stapleton: (01420) 568130
- Bellringers, Oakley & Wootton: Mike Hilton: (01256) 770886 or Terry Oram: (01256) 781548
- Bowling Club: ** Spencer Kerley: (01256) 780418 / 07803 905887
- Bridge Club: Martin Powter: (01256) 323209
- Civil Service Retirement Fellowship: Tony Brazier: (01256) 418770
- Coffee and Chat: ** (01256) 781541
- Conservative Association: Diane Tayler: (01256) 781081
- Football Club (Boys / Girls): ** Dave O'Brien: 07718 162338 or email: [email protected]
- Friends of the Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths: Ann Thomas: (01256) 780902
- Girl Guiding: ** Gillian Eves: (01256) 781214
- Jubiloaks: ** David Flint: (01256) 781413
- Malshanger Squash Club: Clive Evans: (01256) 782242
- Oakley Camera Club: ** Ray: (01256) 417547
- Oakley Community Association: ** email: [email protected]
- Oakley Craft Group : Stephanie Cornell: (01256) 881101
- Oakley Cricket Club: Bob Lethaby: 07956 537076 or
- Oakley Gardening Club: ** Maureen Dallaway: (01256) 780788
- Oakley Lace Circle: Margaret Tanner: (01256) 780467
- Oakley Ladies: ** Marie Littley: (01256) 780287
- Oakley Memory Club: Jean Holmes-Morris: 07525 133688
- Oakley Men's Shed: ** Eric Askew: email: [email protected]
- Oakley Pedalers: Ken Robson: (01256) 780957
- Oakley Ramblers Club: ** Chris Williams: (01256) 781825
- Oakley Scout Group: ** Richard Edwards: email: [email protected]
- Oakley Tennis Club: Terry Allison: (01256) 781905
- Oakley Woodlands Group: ** email: [email protected]
- Slimming Club: Mrs P Ruffles: (01256) 466732
- Socialists: M O'Niell: (01256) 352210
- Table Tennis Club: C Smith: (01256) 781191
- Tuesday Coffee Morning: ** Joan Khan: (01256) 780903 or Eldwyth Stacey: (01256) 783064
- Weight Watchers: Vanda Williams: (01256) 325878
- Womens Institutes: ** For Oakley Afternoon WI: Janet Davis : (01256) 782734 and for Oakley & Deane WI: Barbara Wiseman: 07979 990520