Oakley Gardening Club

The Oakley Gardening Club meets on the first Monday of the month (except January and July) between 19.30 and 21.30 in the main hall at St Leonards Centre.
Membership costs £20 per annum and this includes refreshments at meetings.
We are a group of gardeners – some more expert than others – who enjoy learning more through talks and slides and in sharing information about all things gardening. Our talks for 2024 include subjects such as Great British Gardens, Planting Bulbs for Spring, Successional Planting for a Year of Colour and Shrubs – the backbone of your garden.
In addition to our monthly meetings, we have visits to local gardens instead of a meeting in July. Recent visits have included the garden at Malshanger, Fairbank near Alton and other gardens open under the National Garden Scheme. Early in 2024 we also plan a trip to see the snowdrops at Welford Park.
As we are affiliated to the Royal Horticultural Society, we are entitled to one free visit a year to one of their lovely gardens. In October last year we visited RHS Wisley again having previously visited in May 2022.
Members also join with other organisations in the village for other outings – Exbury Gardens in 2023 and the Bishops Palace and Gardens in Wells in 2022. In 2024 we plan to visit Kew Gardens.
In addition, we have three main fund raising events during the year:
- A Spring Plant Sale in May – held at a member’s garden when the whole village is invited to come along to buy plants grown and nurtured by members.
- A stall at the Front Garden Stalls event in June.
- A stall at Oakley Village Show in August.
New members are always welcome – just come along to any meeting. You do not require any expert knowledge – an interest in gardening is all that is needed.
For further information please contact Maureen Dallaway: phone 01256 780788.