Oakley and Deane Community Plan
The aims of the Village Vision initiative was to find out what local residents wanted, what issues they consider important, and how they would like their village to develop.
A group of local volunteers steered the initiative and formed the Village Vision Committee. Their work was important to the project, but without the help and the information provided by the residents the action plan would not have come to fruition. The committee consulted closely with all who lived, worked or were educated in the villages of Oakley, Newfound and Deane. All the findings from the initiative was then used to formulate a Village Vision Plan, a framework for actions to deliver improved quality of life for residents.
The Oakley & Deane Parish Community Plan together with an Action Plan were published in 2011 and a copy can be found at the link below.
The Action Plan is regularly reviewed and updated by the Parish Council and the latest version can be obtained by phoning the Clerk on (01256) 780886