Planning Committee Meetings
The Planning Committee of Oakley & Deane Parish Council usually meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month. The meetings are usually held at the Newfound Pavilion, at 7.30 pm.
Oakley & Deane Parish Council plays an active part in local planning issues. The role of the Planning Committee is to consider all applications objectively against material planning considerations in planning policies. The Parish Council is a statutory consultee and, after each application is considered, submits comments to Basingstoke & Deane Brough Council (BDBC). BDBC, as the local planning authority, make the decision.
Members of the public are welcome to attend the meetings, to speak about any applications they may have an interest in, and to listen to the proceedings - a document is attached below, which explains what happens at the meeting and what public involvement there can be.
Agendas for the meetings are published both on the notice boards around the village and on the website. Click here to go to the website page. If you have a particular interest in an application, please contact the Deputy Clerk on 07951 415229 or [email protected] to confirm when it will be discussed.
To find out more about the status of planning applications, or to make a comment you can visit the Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council planning portal: and enter in the application number or address. You can also email [email protected] quoting the application number.